There are a few areas that require wide clearance for proper and safe operation. Be sure your electrical panel is kept accessible and clear of all storage. As a rule of thumb I recommend a 3′ by 3′ by 3′ by 3′ space in front, beside, above and below the panel. I had one inspection […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...There a few things you can take care of to prepare your house for the impending wet season. Replace your furnace filter. If it is a washable, hose it out and air dry it before replacing it in the furnace. If it is disposable, take a look at the measurements and buy a replacement at […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Okay, you’ve cleaned your tub and shower with the best cleaning solutions available. Yet the blackish, brownish bead around the perimeter persists. It looks dirty even after a thorough cleaning. You have to turn off the lights and use candles to relax when in the bathroom. So what are you to do? It is time to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...The weeks and days leading up to Thanksgiving were a blur of house projects as we prepared to host dinner with my family. My children and wife joined me in the effort to clean, paint, finish the moulding project (started 4 years ago!), re-finish the front door, and several other stalled projects. The challenge I faced was getting […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I appreciate the Do-It-Yourselfer! After all, I am one of them. However, there is a time when it is time to call in someone more knowledgeable to do the job. After a recent home inspection, I’m looking for that creative contractor who demonstrated his/her ability to think outside of the box and fix problems in a […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I’ve talked a lot about rodents recently. While they are not structurally destructive they give home owners the willies more than anything else! We love to plant vegetation around our houses to beautify our yards. New construction rarely has this problem because everything planted is immature. After about ten years trees have grown tall, vines have […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...The only pets I had as a child were gerbils. These are those creatures that are best in a cage or plastic tube and terrifying if scurrying under the kitchen fridge. I remember coming home from a short vacation to discover with my parents the gerbil cage was empty. Both of them were gone. Somehow we managed to recover […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...How’s your memory? I’ve got a pretty good memory on some things and my wife will tell you I have a terrible memory where it really counts! For all of you who want to make it a little easier for your self in the future I want to encourage you to label things! My favorite […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...We have a lot of aunts who visit our house and I can say honestly that they are not a problem. We love Jenny, Becky, Bethesda, Katy, Aunty Julie and Aunt Natty to name a few. What about “ant” problems? First, truth be told, ants are not infringing on our territory we have built our homes […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Last Thursday was a hard day for me with my inspections. There were two homes I inspected – one built in 2001 and the other 1968. Both had very large crawlspaces and the moment I popped the covers I was overwhelmed by that all-too-familiar smell of rat urine. Disgusting! It got worse as I pushed through rodent droppings. Structurally […]
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