• Strap that tank in!

    In a recent trip to Europe I noticed how instinctual and cross-cultural it is to wear seat belts, but in France it is a matter of necessity and survival! In a country that hosts the LeMans and Monte Carlo races, belts take on a whole new meaning. Did you know that belts for your hot water tank could be just as significant?

    My inspection associate, Gavin Parks, recently pointed out the critical need for seismic straps for our hot water tanks. It is not about the tank tipping over and hurting someone in an earthquake – which could happen. In the event of a major natural disaster, they ensure every household has at least 40 gallons of potable water. If water supplies are disrupted or contaminated we can use these tanks. They will do us no good if they are lying on their sides with contents spilled out.

    Take some time to check to be sure your tank is has two wrap around straps on the top and bottom third of the tank. Theses should be bolted into a stud. Plumbers tape and sheet metal supports are not sufficient (see picture above). This is a very common thing I see missing and it is a small, cheap and easy way to prepare for the “big one”!

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