• You almost had it, my DIY friend!

    Sink Drain Pipe Whoops

    After posting an article about sink drains and p-traps I found a creative new way to install these drain pipes. This was a first for me and looked like an optical illusion when I took the picture… I’m trying to think of something witty to write but can’t come up with anything. The picture just makes me chuckle. It would have been hilarious to watch this DIY-friend figuring it out, putting it together and finally stepping back and saying, “Phew, that’s good enough!”

    Attic Venting Combo Whoops

    That same day I was in the attic of another house and saw the sewer vent pipe for the toilets with a strange set-up. Oh no! The bathroom overhead ventilation fans had been tied into the main plumbing venting line. Ironically the fan ductwork was just feet from a properly installed roof vent. I get the thinking behind this setup, but the sewer gases from the toilet and sewage system could enter the bathrooms through the fans!

    Wall Mount Light Fixture Whoops

    Command strips are the new utility repair-all capturing the popularity once held by duct tape. Here is a precarious (from the root word “pretty-crazy-and-hilarious”) application. Materials needed for this set-up: 2 shims, 2 random screws, 2 adhesive wall hooks, and one perilous light fixture. Please gently tug the pull string. Tip: Steady the light with one hand to reduce wear on the adhesive. The seller assessed this as a permanent, mounted fixture and left it behind in the vacant home.

    Outside Vent Cover Screen Whoops

    Please look a bit more closely to see this for what it is. Green abrasive scrub pads can find a second life after their kitchen days are over. Before tossing this worn mesh in the trash, the home owner stapled it to an outside vent. Positively, it prevented rodent and pest entry while allowing some air movement. Negatively, it was almost immediately blocked by debris, unsightly and requires a firm tearing for removal and maintenance.

    Drain Leak Repair Whoops

    A lot of thinking and adjustments went into this under-sink repair. Two boards cut to the right length sit inside their respective buckets, supporting the piping and ensuring further drips drain to the bucket. When hidden behind the under-sink storage this repair might escape the attention of some, but not this one. But who can fault the DIY-er? Goopy sink drains, spare 2x4s, empty buckets saved for this very application… Sometimes we feel like we were born for repair opportunities like these and who wants to miss their big moment!?

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