• Slap a little grease on it!

    Do you know why we have hoods over our cooktop ranges? It is because of all the moisture and grease that comes off cooking. Physics dictates that heat rises and these vapors rise from cooking. Where do they go? They collect as micro-dots that grow into larger bodies of grease and promote organic growth. We seldom look up and after a while we don’t notice the growing collection.

    This particular kitchen had such a thick coat of grease that you could swipe your spatula across the ceiling and slap a fresh dab of oil on the pan before sautéing your veggies or frying your eggs.

    Be sure to run your fan whenever operating your oven. And clean your ceiling periodically. If you ever decide to re-paint, be sure to clean your kitchen ceiling with soapy water to ensure a good adhesion of the primer and paint.

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