• Little Things That Make a Big Difference

    In the work break and sun breaks we all balance the could dos, should dos and will dos. Let me offer some simple ways on sunny days to make headways on the house keep. This article will focus on worthwhile chores for the outside in dry weather.

    Estimated time on for each category: 20 minutes to 1 hour

    Money saved by the preventative maintenance: Lots of it!

    Earth-to-Wood Contact

    Tools: Yard and garden rakes, square-point shovel, sturdy broom, putty knife.

    1. Minimize direct contact between the ground and wood materials. Pull back dirt, bark and organic materials where it is in contact with the base of your fence. Ensure there is air flow and that water will drain from these areas.
    2. Scrape moss and dirt build up from the base of your deck posts, stair stringers (the bottom-most area supported at the ground). If there is room for a water-proof barrier like a roofing shingle or weather paper to slip between it will help.
    3. Pull back any mulch, soil, and bark where up against the siding of the house. If there is a cantilever area (fireplace or front bay protrusion) pull out any leaves and organic matter building up below here.
    4. Do the same with the shed (and other outbuildings) minimizing ground contact with steps, structural boards below, and siding.

    Bare Wood Exposure

    Tools: Scraper, wire brush, can of priming paint, paint brush, step stool, caulking gun, some exterior paintable caulk (clear or white).

    1. Check for peeling paint and bare wood with trim boards around your house by windows, crawlspace vents, railings, etc. Clean the effected areas and touch these up with primer. Remember to re-touch those at least once more in the future.
    2. Caulk areas where seals are cracking or exposed. Check where trim and siding boards meet, siding joints and penetrations in the siding.
    3. Climb up and take a look at the top of the roof fascia ends (if accessible). Clean and re-apply paint as needed here.
    4. Apply clear sealant to the top edge of the fence slats and the nail or screw penetrations with the deck and railings. Look for pooling areas for water and penetrations in the grain where moisture can seep in.

    Water Flow Maintenance

    Tools: Bucket, gloves, hose, ladder, broom.

    1. Open the drain covers around the house (yard, driveway, walkway, patio) and clear out the catch basin. The gunk can be dumped in the yard waste container. Sweep back any build up around these areas and test the flow of the drain.
    2. Clean debris from the gutters (for the second or third time since last summer!). If its your first time since summer get ready for a lot of slimy build up.
    3. Confirm each gutter downspout is connected, aligned with a splash block tray or drain. Make needed adjustments.

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