After more than a thousand homes, I still come across things that stop me in my tracks, cause me to take a second look and utter the words, “What in the world is that?” Here’s two recent ones… There’s my phone USB cord! While on a roof in Mountlake Terrace I saw a cord tied […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...This is a question I am frequently asked or the variation, “Have you found any bodies?” Nope. Y’all have watched too movies. But if I ever find one there’s bound to be another movie made about it! No cash stashes or valuable treasures. But here are some of the things I have found… Old-style pop cans […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...As my inspections conclude I take time to download and label all my pictures so that I can remember and keep straight what I’m looking at. Sometimes I will take a picture and 90 minutes later it becomes a mystery household component that I struggle to identify. This picture is one that I thought some […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...If you are looking for modern approaches to Seattle house decor and design there are some terrific trends to get ahead of! No need to credit me when a guest comments or you get a letter from the neighborhood association – please enjoy all the praise and accolade for your self! The 2018 Northwest home […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Here are more creative home repairs that I have seen in recent inspections. These prove that while some things have a single right way, there are many more areas where creativity abounds. Is there such a thing as a wrong way? You will have to decide! Rain barrel slide Why have one rain barrel when […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Often I ask my clients their do-it-yourself comfort level. Recently I have seen some do-it-yourself work that had me thinking that some people’s confidence far exceeds their ability (or at least their foresight!). Joining the many previous posts on creative home repairs I offer these ideas for those of you who enjoy doing home projects […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...I return to the creative ways that I have seen people update and maintain their houses. With the resources of Google and Youtube it is hard to understand how do-it-yourselfers can get things so wrong. So without further adieu, here are some recent ideas for those of you looking to do a job twice! Designer […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...As an eager do-it-yourselfer I have done everything wrong at some point. It’s how we learn, right? I secretly grasp to the hope of future DIO (do-it-OVER) projects of my not so pretty DIY projects. WE DIYers do not usually do it right the first time, or second or third times! In the meantime, I invite you to join me […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Once in a while I come across nostalgic home features that take me down memory lane. For some (much younger) home buyers I get to explain why these things were once cool and useful. I’ve had similar success as my dad (a retired engineer) trying to explain to me why four different color pens with a ruler […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Magazines like Good Housekeeping, Better Homes and Gardens, Coastal Living and the IKEA catalog can be found throughout my house. While house decor and design are not my forte, I’ve learned a thing or two. So I thought I share some ideas from my home inspections to see if I am as skilled as my […]
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